1.5 <-- nRe, real part of refractive index 0.000 <-- nIm, imaginary part of refractive index 31 <-- nfi = 4n+3, a number of scattering angles (nfi ² 603), 3,7,11,...,31,...,91,...,363, 1.0e+5 <-- x = 2ır/lam, size parameter (0.01 < x < 1.07e+9) 1 <-- if 1, output Amplitudes, else don't output Amplitudes 1 <-- if 1, output Stocks parameters, else don't output Stocks parameters 1 <-- if 1, output phase function at nfi angles, else don't output phase function 0 <-- if 1, then check bounds of x (0.01 < x < 1.07e+9) and correct this input